Yes bought the bike but not the expensive service parts. Unfortunately in the touring market BMW have little competition. Honda seems to have given up. Yamaha have made an attempt at updating an old design but still heavy. Only BMW make a light weight tourer that handles well, goes well and is fugal on fuel. IMHO only let down by poor anti-rust protection and expensive service parts. Both of these I have some control over. Making the bike I don't so really had no choice in buying BMW if I wanted an up to date light weight tourer. I'm actually quite happy at the price I paid for my RT. Ive had mine a little over 2 years, done 21K on her and its been 100 % reliable. The only issue I have is why BMW have to mark up parts that they themselves do not make and which we need on a regularly basis. Thats why I well seek out cheaper alternatives from the OEM parts manufacturers. Brembo brake pads is a good example. I will stay well clear of cheap copies sold on eBay from China.
Levisp wrote:
Yes bought the bike but not the expensive service parts. Unfortunately in the touring market BMW have little competition. Honda seems to have given up. Yamaha have made an attempt at updating an old design but still heavy. Only BMW make a light weight tourer that handles well, goes well and is fugal on fuel. IMHO only let down by poor anti-rust protection and expensive service parts. Both of these I have some control over. Making the bike I don't so really had no choice in buying BMW if I wanted an up to date light weight tourer. I'm actually quite happy at the price I paid for my RT. Ive had mine a little over 2 years, done 21K on her and its been 100 % reliable. The only issue I have is why BMW have to mark up parts that they themselves do not make and which we need on a regularly basis. Thats why I well seek out cheaper alternatives from the OEM parts manufacturers. Brembo brake pads is a good example. I will stay well clear of cheap copies sold on eBay from China.
+1, but it will fall on deaf ears to the faithful! But you can but try.
The original battery on my old K13GT lasted 7 years (hooked up to an Optimate III) before it failed and was replaced by an Odyssey from Motorworks. Seemed to crank much better after that. Relented and bought an Optimate IV now just because I'm lazy and can use the socket. It seems to be cooking away nicely in the corner of the garage. The old Optimate III will go on eBay to subsidise the purchase.
Sprintgull wrote:
The original battery on my old K13GT lasted 7 years (hooked up to an Optimate III) before it failed and was replaced by an Odyssey from Motorworks. Seemed to crank much better after that. Relented and bought an Optimate IV now just because I'm lazy and can use the socket. It seems to be cooking away nicely in the corner of the garage. The old Optimate III will go on eBay to subsidise the purchase.
Oh no you have been using an Optimate charger rather than a BMW one - that's you on the black list :whistle: