Your dealer was right. However, where there is a will, there is a way! I like that saying! I sure regretted getting my self into this at first.pockomoth wrote: I have not tried this, I was discouraged to do so by my dealer. I'm just saying it's possible. Usually, I don't mess with BMW OEM. Other brands yes, but BMW builds things to work together, think of them like Apple and everything else like Android.
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I sure thought I can remove the rubber and save the throttle sleeve and wheel. That is where the only problem is. Left is fine, bars are 22 mm.
so any 7/8 grip will work. But now I have all sorted out. I can use any grip that fits a 1" sleeve. No, they are not heated. I don't care for that. That is where the heated gloves are used! You need the heat on the outside, not at your palm. Is just me, so if anyone doesn't agree, so be it!
Here is a pick with the two grips, old and new.