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Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:48 pm
by richardbd
This all reminds me of the famous quote, attributed to almost every top golfer you ever heard of:

"The more I practice, the luckier I get".

There ain't no substitute for training and practice...

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:08 pm
by Spencert231
richardbd wrote: This all reminds me of the famous quote, attributed to almost every top golfer you ever heard of:

"The more I practice, the luckier I get".

There ain't no substitute for training and practice...

Yeah your right there Richard. I believe it was attributed to Gary Player when he chipped out of a sand trap and into the hole. A member in the crowd said 'that was lucky' to which he replied ' it's amazing the more I practice the luckier I get'.

I'm ex-mil and it was always a case of practice, practice drill, drill so our reactions were guaranteed.

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:52 am
by smileymiley
Well still tender around my right ribcage :(
Not been sleeping too good, with lots of things going on in my mind :P the main one being that I don't want to do this anymore! !!  :not:
Being knocked off & getting injured I definitely don't want to do again, but I'm thinking I don't want to get back on the bike! :(
I've never had this before... in previous offs I've always got straight back on, no problem. But this is very disconcerting.
I've ridden since I was 17, always enjoyed it, might not be the bestest rider around but am happy with were I am 8)
Of course I'll get on & give it a try & hopefully will be riding for many more years but I don't like what's happening in my mind :( :(
Just wanted to get it off my chest, so to speak.

Thanks for listening

A very sad :( :(


Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:06 am
by Spencert231
Smiley, you are no different to the rest of us its just a case of revisiting what happened and how it happened. As with mine where I did not get off so lucky I studied what I had been doing and what the other prat was doing to cause the incident. Me I was legal, but that did not make me feel and better the pain of a busted pelvis is no joke.

What I am saying is it may just be a case of further training I know I learned so much from mine that although I had been a decent rider I am now a better and more aware of where I am, the surrounding area and where the nearest threat is and my plan.

Smiley trust me you will be amazed at what you can learn and there is so much to gain from it. I did all my training in the Chichester area and they were great.

I wish you all the best Smiley.

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:34 am
by stelyn
Smiley, been there and done that.  After I was seriously wiped out by an elderly female driver jumping a red light,  I also considered giving up riding but the `bug' was too strong,  I was encouraged to take a Riders Course,  so once recovered and having bought a new Bike  I promptly signed up for an I.A.M  Advanced course to regain both my confidence and enhance my  `riding knowledge'  as my previous Bike courses had been with the Police some 25 years earlier  with skills long forgotten.    What a learning curve that was.    I still keep regular `ride out  assessments'  going  and as such,  feel I now `read' and respect  the road and conditions better,  and have regained my confidence.  I agree with Spencer.    Even if you have already done such a course, a refresher ride  out with Club Instructors is worth doing now and again to help keep you safe in the saddle........ ;)

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:06 am
by Crater
Smiley. I've been through a little of what you are describing. I'd already decided on more training.
What disturbs me is the accident where one party is blameless. I'm not talking about here about advanced driving techniques where you can compensate for others drivers lapses. I mean the rider who gets thumped despite doing everything correctly. The accident that came closest to making me give up riding was one that I just witnessed a few years ago. Driving back from Bristol from a trauma conference (of all things) I was following a car on a busy A road when a driver coming in the other direction, without warning, swerved and hit the car in front of me head on. There were no fatalities but certainly some injuries. Modern cars, seat belts and airbags are quite remarkable devices. I was busy for a while, impressed as always by the paramedics and stayed to see the helicopter take off.
But when I got home the circumstances of the accident sunk in. If that car had swerved 30m later it would have hit another vehicle head-on. And that vehicle would have been me on my bike.
But that's life. Corny but true. When I was a medical student I did an elective in Guyana and saw a man brought into Georgetown A&E stone dead having been hit by a falling papaya. He had been standing under the tree waiting for a bus.
The motorcycling bug digs very deep. I've got a feeling it never it never dies. Good luck.

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:31 pm
by Crater
How are you doing now Smiley?

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:30 pm
by smileymiley
Crater wrote: How are you doing now Smiley?
Not too bad thanks,  still a little sore on my lower right ribcage :(
Bike gets put together Monday.... so should be back on her Thursday as that's the earliest I can get time off work. Then we'll just have to wait & see how I get on with it!

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:39 am
by Crater
Happy to hear it. Donington Park Classic Bike Festival 7 -9 Aug. A short ride from Loughborough and a reminder why we all like motorbikes. I'm always amazed to see a rider on a rigid bike with girder forks get their knee down.

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:35 am
by richardbd
Glad to hear you're back (almost) Smiley...

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:46 am
by Spencert231
Keep us informed of your progress Smiley, fingers crossed it's all well.

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:28 pm
by smileymiley
Well picked up the panzer today 8)
Still a couple of bits to be fixed... but I've now got a bike of 2 halves! :P
The right hand side is mostly new...
Anyway rode it home at a steady pace :D & to be honest found myself without any emotion about it when I got back :(
With new tyres & brake pads that needed scrubbing in, decided to take Ro Ro to a slap up dinner at Kostas, Matlock Bath.
Nice ride there and back, 130 miles,
And I think I've got my mojo back 8)
Glad I've got the panzer back now

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:04 am
by Spencert231
That's great news and the 'fine dining' looked great too. I am so happy for you and the support given by Ro Ro she must have placed a lot of confidence in you.

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:24 am
by stelyn
Glad to hear your `back in the saddle'  ...  enjoy    ;)

Re: I've been knocked off!!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:50 pm
by richardbd
Glad you (and the mojo) are back...