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Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:44 pm
by guest2360
Probably right.

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:47 pm
by Paggers
Grabs a bag of popcorn and waits to watch the thread derail into an active debate over the merits (or otherwise) of additives.  8)

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:59 pm
by guest2360
Like when I was a lad and was convinced my Francis Barnett 197 would instantly explode if I didn't give it a squirt of Redex with every fill.  Many wasted shillings later it did anyway.

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:03 pm
RTman10 wrote:

Just to clarify ZX1 shouldnt be confused with additives on the market.

If its not an addictive what is it. ... tment.html

Hope the link helps answer one of many question that may be posted.

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:10 pm
Paggers wrote: Grabs a bag of popcorn and waits to watch the thread derail into an active debate over the merits (or otherwise) of additives.  8)

Always good to have a debate on the +\- of any product on the market.

But at the end of the day it all comes down to individual choices, some will try it, some won't and other will sit on the fence as normal.

So when you finished your popcorn what's your view?

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:20 pm
by guest2360
Waffle.  If it wasn't everyone would use it and it would be available in Tesco. £63 a ltr. Wow. And you add it to fuel or oil, it doesn't mix with either but bonds to and impregnates the metal. That's not magic it's a miracle.

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:47 pm
RTman10 wrote: Waffle.  If it wasn't everyone would use it and it would be available in Tesco. £63 a ltr. Wow. And you add it to fuel or oil, it doesn't mix with either but bonds to and impregnates the metal. That's not magic it's a miracle.

That's one opinion and I'm sure your not the first to have that opinion. When I 1st tried the product I wasn't sure but notice the difference.

I don't shop in Tesco so can't confirm if it's sold there 🤔

As previously mention it comes down to choice and it sound like you've made yours

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:51 pm
by tony23
RTman10 wrote: Waffle.  If it wasn't everyone would use it and it would be available in Tesco. £63 a ltr. Wow. And you add it to fuel or oil, it doesn't mix with either but bonds to and impregnates the metal. That's not magic it's a miracle.

Got to agree with Rtman here.
An additive , or whatever it's called, that impregnates the metal , really :)) :))
If these products were that good then Bp, Shell etc would be adding them to fuel,oils etc and bumping up the retail prices surely?
Until I see irrefutable , independent research to prove the claims I remain sceptical.I didn't notice any on the website by the way only testimonials.

However for those that choose to believe then fair play it's your cash.

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:22 pm
tony23 wrote:
Got to agree with Rtman here.
An additive , or whatever it's called, that impregnates the metal , really :) ) :) )
If these products were that good then Bp, Shell etc would be adding them to fuel,oils etc and bumping up the retail prices surely?
Until I see irrefutable , independent research to prove the claims I remain sceptical.I didn't notice any on the website by the way only testimonials.

However for those that choose to believe then fair play it's your cash.

Being sceptical and wanting irrefutable/ independent research seems to be the norm.

Totally understand why you and RTman don't believe there statements and I'm sure others will be thinking the same.

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:49 pm
by photontorpedo
Thanks guys. Is the navigator V worth the additional outlay?

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:52 pm
by guest2360
Was for me and it's not a fortune to use it in the car as well.

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:50 pm
by gogs01
photontorpedo wrote: Thanks guys. Is the navigator V worth the additional outlay?

As with most things, it depends ....  I found my old nav iv fairly easy to use and well integrated with the bike, and the nav v seems better, as well as being even better integrated with the LC.  I may also go for the car fitting kit.  So, I'm happy with it.
There are however many alternatives, probably all cheaper, so the question of value is still a personal one.
Looking forward to hearing what you decide .....

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:26 am
by guest2360
Agreed there are cheaper ones around but none that just click in and work fully with the bike.  I would also argue there are none better.  Tom Tom owners  need not reply.

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:05 pm
by Paggers
I'm assuming that things like warning indicators only come up if you have the Navigator?

At the risk of repeating myself - with the Nav V what you are paying extra for is the integration with the bike. If you are not interested in those additional features then there isn't much sense in buying the Nav V. But on the other hand, why pay out for a bike with so many advanced features and then skimp on the satnav that would integrate with those features?

Re: New member Navigator V

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:17 pm
by guest2360
Warning indicators ?