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Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:29 pm
by stayingupright
I have to admit to not giving this enough thought before so have ordered an ICE key fob from eBay #322173360644

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:40 pm
by Sullivj
Glad to have insipred some debate and purchases.

Let's hope we never need to use any of it chaps. Ride safe.

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:36 am
by blokeonthemove
I like the idea of these but don't know where to carry it, my bike is keyless so that's out, I could put it round my neck but imagine the irony of being strangled by your own ID tag!

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:48 pm
by omnione
We have little green cylinders attached to our jackets which contain all our details on a small roll of paper inside. They were given to us free at a motorcycle show we went to a few years ago. (sorry can't remember which one). I should imagine an internet search should show up something similar. If your details change you can just re print them and pop them inside.

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:07 pm
by Sullivj
I quite like that idea Omnione.

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:00 am
by Dollygray
I use these ... UTF8&psc=1 one stuck either side just aft of the visor, hopefully if I come off, my helmet will still be attached to my head!

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:05 pm
by richardbd
Dollygray wrote: I use these one stuck either side just aft of the visor, hopefully if I come off, my helmet will still be attached to my head!

I use the same thing...

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:11 pm
by Nemesis
What if an injured rider is wearing borrowed helmet/clothing with someone else' details? Photo driving licence much better me thinks?

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:16 pm
by richardbd
Nemesis wrote: What if an injured rider is wearing borrowed helmet/clothing with someone else' details? Photo driving licence much better me thinks?

apart from the fact it has no ICE details - or blood group or allergy info.

Otherwise, top idea...


Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:18 pm
by Casbar
Nemesis wrote: What if an injured rider is wearing borrowed helmet/clothing with someone else' details? Photo driving licence much better me thinks?

What if the rider isn't carrying his driving license or doesn't have a photo one. The idea of ICE is not to identify the rider per say, but to identify any medical conditions and emergency contacts. All can be sorted out at the hospital. or just don't fall off  :)

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:19 pm
by guest3074
Nemesis wrote: What if an injured rider is wearing borrowed helmet/clothing with someone else' details? Photo driving licence much better me thinks?
Personally I wouldn't be lending my helmet to anyone, photo driving licence doesn't contain contact details only who you are so would delay them getting in touch with your next of kin.

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:34 pm
by Steve F
Out off interest, are there any ambulance staff and/or paramedics on here (or possibly friends/relatives of such) who could advise as to what is the most effective approach to this seemingly very useful idea?
Everyone's ideas on here all appear to be good and pragmatic, but what do the professionals have to say on the matter I wonder?

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:31 pm
by Casbar
Steve F wrote: Out off interest, are there any ambulance staff and/or paramedics on here (or possibly friends/relatives of such) who could advise as to what is the most effective approach to this seemingly very useful idea?
Everyone's ideas on here all appear to be good and pragmatic, but what do the professionals have to say on the matter I wonder?

All our blood bike group have to have ICE stickers. This apparently was on the advice of the Hospitals and Air Ambulance we support (believe its part of our SLA with the Hospitals). There is one company that specifically have ICE for blood bikers who have the group logo on the sticker. I personally use Tagisar, which was recommended by our group.

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 6:52 pm
by Steve F
That's interesting Casbar, because I'm not aware of hearing similar from our group, Freewheelers, and nothing's seemingly been fed back from GWAA or WAA either. I will ask my BB colleagues. Thanks for the info.

Re: Identity Tag

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:47 pm
by Casbar
Steve F wrote: That's interesting Casbar, because I'm not aware of hearing similar from our group, Freewheelers, and nothing's seemingly been fed back from GWAA or WAA either. I will ask my BB colleagues. Thanks for the info.

i think the whole NABB thing and group rules is a smoke screen. our group make edits about things like wearing badges on our jackets etc that other groups don't seem to bother with. So Personally I think its different groups committees making rules and using other forces to back them up. I don't think NABB has any teeth and groups do what they feel is right. So basically its all down to the committee of the group you ride for. I'm not a rebel so just toe the line, because at the end of the day we do the job to make a difference.