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Re: Why the BMW RT

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:45 am
by Minty
I've pretty much always had large touring bikes. Pan Euro, FJR, GTR1400.
In 2022 I tried a 1250 GS, I've always liked the look of them, and still do. I loved the way it handled and the torque of the engine but after a few hundred miles I would get home with a splitting headache and, after a bit of research, found out it was tyre noise causing it. I do use custom earplugs. I had a word with the dealer and took out a different bike and the dealers own personal bike, both of which made the horrible noise with different tyres.
So after 1700 miles I sold it and went back to what I know, Yamaha FJR1300 ES, bought unseen. I had a brand new FJR in 2003, when I was a lot younger and stronger! I didn't remember the FJR being so heavy! and the electronis suspension doesn't work like the semi active bmw setup so,after 2 years decided to change, Again!!!

The RT was never on my radar if I'm honest but thought I would give one a go. After a test ride, I thought it was nice but nothing special so left it at that but arranged to have a second test a few weeks later. On the second test, something clicked and really took to the bike, and really loving it now.

So the why; It's lighter, comfier (with the peg lowering kit) has more low down easily accessible torque and better suspension than the FJR it replaces.