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Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:26 pm
by richardbd
RTman10 wrote: No I give up.

You're no fun...

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:34 pm
by Casbar
richardbd wrote:
You're no fun...

8) 8) 8)

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:39 pm
by richardbd
Casbar wrote:
8) 8) 8)

You've given up too?

It's much more fun on UKGSer!


Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:58 pm
by guest2360
OK.  How about no good arguing with an expert that knows that anything written in black and white is really grey, which happens to be my favourite colour.

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Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:36 pm
by richardbd
RTman10 wrote: OK.  How about no good arguing with an expert that knows that anything written in black and white is really grey, which happens to be my favourite colour.

Unusually for me, I have sympathy with both sides of this argument - whereas only one side of the scaffolding one is correct!

I'd always simply read what the bike manufacturer said about tyre pressures and used those.  In fact, to be honest it had never occurred to me to change the tyres a manufacturer fitted and I always just put on more of the same.  Sort of an extreme version of the RTman approach.

Then one day, a mate I trusted told me to try PR3s on my Multistrada, instead of the Scorpion Trails Ducati fitted.  What a revelation - a different bike!

When it came round to the next set, I faithfully ordered another set of PR3s but this time from a mobile fitter, recommended by the same mate.  The tyre guy insisted that the bike would ride better with pressures higher than those recommended by Ducati.  He said his suggestions were what Pirelli recommended.  I never bothered to check that point but he was right - the bike was much sharper with the higher pressures and there wasn't a noticeable wear downside either.

Strangely, although I've changed the RT's Z8s for PR4GTs, I've stuck religiously to the BMW recommended pressures - but I've no idea why.  Maybe I'll go check what Mr Pirelli says...

I also never do anything with car tyres other than use the pressures listed inside the fuel cap.

Maybe, deep down, I just think of the RT as a kind of car!

:alas: :alas:

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:39 pm
by guest2360
That's a thought, check the car.

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Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:13 am
by Casbar
I think its a little hypercritical a certain poster calling my an expert, seeing every post from said contributor is from a position of knowledge and doggedly not moving from that position even when others actually provide levelled comment and actually do sometimes have more knowledge. The tyre thing if you actually took the blinkers off, is sensible. In the case of cars, a few more or less pounds does not have the effect on handling on the road, but on a track is also critical. The impact on a bike is more noticeable. But how many actually bother to change their car pressures if the car is fully loaded, or in the case of my current car, there is no change to pressure for fully loaded. But again manufacturers should have a better idea of what pressure to run their tyres at and unless they all build their tyres to the same specification, how can one pressure fit all, its just not a sensible approach. But if the computer says no...... You adjust pressure to maximise grip, wear, I am not advocating sticking in 10 pounds extra, we are just talking 2-3 pounds. The whole thing is for people to research and make their own decisions.  ;)  But then again I ride my bike and don't polish the underside of the exhaust  8)

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:41 am
by guest2360
Quite wore me out reading all that.  My knowledge of BMW bikes is limited to 10 years as a parts, clothing and accessories manager at a main BMW dealer in the Midlands and having bikes of various sorts since 1957.  And I have no idea what possessed me last week to polish the exhaust, must be getting near swap time.

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:22 am
by Casbar
RTman10 wrote: Quite wore me out reading all that.  My knowledge of BMW bikes is limited to 10 years as a parts, clothing and accessories manager at a main BMW dealer in the Midlands and having bikes of various sorts since 1957.  And I have no idea what possessed me last week to polish the exhaust, must be getting near swap time.

Fair one, its only banter, no malice intended  8)  Your contribution has been invaluable to me, my last BMW before the LC were R80RT's you are obviously very knowledgeable and hopefully we will have more interactions going forward. I was only born in 1957, so have only been riding since I was around 7 (scrambling). Guess when you started they were solid tyres and so didn't worry about air  >:D  Anyway as with all these things, people will and should make their own judgements.

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:28 am
by guest2360
It was a Francis Barnett 197.  Can't remember if it had tyres or not but I dropped it a lot.

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Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:09 pm
by Casbar
RTman10 wrote: It was a Francis Barnett 197.  Can't remember if it had tyres or not but I dropped it a lot.

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nice bike, bet you wished you still had it!

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:29 pm
by richardbd
RTman10 wrote: It was a Francis Barnett 197.  Can't remember if it had tyres or not but I dropped it a lot.

How shiny was it underneath?

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:52 pm
by guest2360
Same colour as the top, grey. Came up OK though.

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:05 pm
by Noel
RTman10 wrote: OK.  How about no good arguing with an expert that knows that anything written in black and white is really grey, which happens to be my favourite colour.

Au contraire, everything you write suggests you see only the black ink on the white paper  ^-^

Re: Tyre pressures fully loaded

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:13 am
by guest2360
Not what I have wrote, that you can obviously ignore as I do with many of the suggestions I find on forums.  But we all try to pass on to like minded soals things that work best for us.