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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:29 am
by Casbar
Boris has been tested positive

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:52 pm
by simbo
MikeS wrote:
I've trained 60 people within our department in donning level 2 PPE (visor, FFP3 mask, gown and double gloves) over the last 3 days.

None of them thought it was an overreaction.

People need 'training' to wear a dust mask, gown and double gloves? God help us 🙄

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:01 pm
by simbo
David. wrote: Won't be able to hear from those who have died from the virus.

Is it only being so cheerful that keeps you going? 🙄 I bet when you look at a battery it has 2 negatives.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:19 pm
by MikeS
simbo wrote:
People need 'training' to wear a dust mask, gown and double gloves? God help us 🙄
Be great if it was that simple. Its about following strict guidelines to prevent risk to themselves and cross contamination to others. In fairness the most important  part is taking it off in a structured manner with correct disposal. 

I won't bang on about it because I'm sure nobody's really interested.

Most people I hope would find some reassurance in this difficult time that the hospitals are taking your and the staffs safety seriously.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:24 pm
by scunny12
What hospital PPE? Wife sent home from work yesterday after complaining of sweats and persistent cough by her Occupational Health Dept. Suspect Coronavirus, I asked what PPE she had and it was only single gloves and normal glasses. She works in a Pathology Dept,( who one would have thought would be well kitted out ) but now she is off work and I am also in Isolation from her and everyone else for a fortnight.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:35 am
by David.
Got this message from a fellow VJMC member.

"My wife is NHS worker, at a meeting last week they were told it is being managed to spike in June, and hopefully eradicate within 3 months there after, that's the plan anyway."

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:58 am
by jackronner
Sounds like Boris' "corona-tion", but there won't be a jubilee.  My Mum lived through the blitz hunkering (or bunkering?) down in their London backyard's Anderson shelter.  So, as they're advertising over here:  "Your grandparents were called upon to go to War;  all we're asking is for you to sit on your couch."

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:46 pm
by hammo
This contagion will linger on as long as idiotic people do not adhere to the guidelines , some people have not got the common sense to social distance , people arguing this morning in the supermarket queue because of this , stand back and look at Spain and Italy this is what happens when you do not take heed of the consequences stay in and only venture for food when necessary . 

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:01 pm
by David.
Devil's Bridge in Kirkby Lonsdale was rammed last Sunday 22nd March.


Local MP Tim Farron said,
"Some of the images that have been shared on social media this weekend of large gatherings in places like Devil’s Bridge in Kirkby Lonsdale are hugely alarming."

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:23 pm
by simbo
I'm shocked and alarmed.

Our next door neighbour got taken in hospital last night with breathing difficulties. She's been confirmed as having Covid-19 and placed on one of the new Dyson ventilators....

She's picking up nicely.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:47 pm
by MikeS
simbo wrote: I'm shocked and alarmed.

Our next door neighbour got taken in hospital last night with breathing difficulties. She's been confirmed as having Covid-19 and placed on one of the new Dyson ventilators....

She's picking up nicely.
Must be getting old, read it twice before I cottoned on.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:59 pm
by Beagle
MikeS wrote: Must be getting old, read it twice before I cottoned on.

I was about to post “ Hope she gets better soon”  ???

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:06 pm
by michaelc2710
simbo wrote: I'm shocked and alarmed.

Our next door neighbour got taken in hospital last night with breathing difficulties. She's been confirmed as having Covid-19 and placed on one of the new Dyson ventilators....

She's picking up nicely.

I bet you wished it was the other side neighbour, Henry as he's a bit of a Shark.

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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:29 pm
by simbo

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:26 pm
by B787MECH
simbo wrote: I'm shocked and alarmed.

Our next door neighbour got taken in hospital last night with breathing difficulties. She's been confirmed as having Covid-19 and placed on one of the new Dyson ventilators....

She's picking up nicely.
Hmm....not funny. My brother-law-law has just been released from intensive care in France having caught coronavirus despite social distancing ( he caught it after some firewood was delivered to his house) and is amazed how so many In the UK still can’t grasp how serious the situation is. Black humour is hilarious until it happens to you so don’t expect any sympathy.

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