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Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:48 pm
by onegrecook
I'm not sure what to think of this. I just turned over 7,100 miles on my 2015 RT and recently changed the oil and filter (OEM) at 6,000. So...I have 1,100 miles on this change. I put in exactly 4 quarts and the level was right at the top mark after running it for a while and letting it sit. Now it seems to be creeping up. Should I drain a little out, or is it not high enough to be a concern? I've attached a pic.

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:49 pm
by guest2360
The engine capacity is 4 ltrs.  4 quarts is 4.59 ltrs.  The pic though looks OK. 

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:05 pm
by Levisp
Yup looks good to me. Remember to check oil level 10 mins after a ride to get an accurate reading. I find starting it up and allowing to idle, turning off and waiting 10 doesn't always show a correct level. Your level looks good. I have read that BMW are suggesting putting slightly less than 4 ltrs, 3.8 ltrs I think so the level is halfway up the sight glass. Its meant to improve the clunky gear change from N - 1. I have found on my LC it makes no difference.

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:59 am
by onegrecook

I decided to drain a little oil out. I'm the type that over thinks everything, and I'll worry about it until it looks right. From what i've read, letting a little out should only help the shifting.

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:06 am
by guest2360
Keeping the oil level half way up the sight glass to improve the gear change is a new one to me  What I know for sure is that too much oil can spell disaster. Also any lean left or right no matter how small will give you a false reading.

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:37 pm
by richardbd
RTman10 wrote: Keeping the oil level half way up the sight glass to improve the gear change is a new one to me...

I've read about this somewhere else recently.  At least, I think it was somewhere else - though maybe it was just in the earlier post!

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:20 pm
by guest2360
I would suggest the sump holds 4 litres because that's the ideal amount of oil to keep everything in perfect running order.  Leaving 500 mm out in the hope it improves the gear change is a daft idea. I cant imagine anybody connected to BMW suggesting it. 

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:11 pm
by Levisp
To clarify in the Winter 2014 BMW Motorcycle Magazine there is an article on servicing a GS LC. In that article they mentioned the reduction of oil from 4 litres to 3.8 litres. Filling the sump with 200 cc less puts the oil level in the middle of the sight glass. The reason was to help the clunky gearshift.

My experience is that it has made no difference to the clunk from N to 1. When I do oil changes now I refill with 3.8 litres, go for a ride and then check level. Usually then top up with 100 cc to get level towards the top but not on max. This way I avoid overfilling.

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:23 pm
by guest2360
Quite right. A little bit of silver showing is the way to go.

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:49 pm
by Spencert231
Good info as always I will be doing that when I need to do my own oil change

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:02 pm
by richardbd
Levisp wrote: To clarify in the Winter 2014 BMW Motorcycle Magazine there is an article on servicing a GS LC. In that article they mentioned the reduction of oil from 4 litres to 3.8 litres. Filling the sump with 200 cc less puts the oil level in the middle of the sight glass. The reason was to help the clunky gearshift.

See - I knew I'd read it somewhere else...

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:44 am
by Budman
When I change my oil I put in 4 quarts. I change the filter each time I change the oil. My owners manual calls for 1.1 gallon max or 4 liters with a filter change.
When I put in 4 quarts the sight glass is completely filled.

If it burns a little oil and moves down the glass Ill wait to top it off when it gets lower than the middle of the glass.

Thats my dealer recommendation. 


Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:54 am
by Levisp
Budman wrote: When I change my oil I put in 4 quarts. I change the filter each time I change the oil. My owners manual calls for 1.1 gallon max or 4 liters with a filter change.
When I put in 4 quarts the sight glass is completely filled.

If it burns a little oil and moves down the glass Ill wait to top it off when it gets lower than the middle of the glass.

Thats my dealer recommendation. 


Sorry but why do you put in 4 quarts (US) = 4.4 litres. You are over filling. The sight glass should not be completely full. Max mark is the top of the circle in the sight glass. Over filling an engine is not a good idea because it can cause increase oil pressure which can blow seals.

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:23 pm
by Budman
4 quarts is 3.785 liters according to my computer.

My owners manual says to put in 4 quarts.

Re: Oil level creeping up???

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:32 pm
by richardbd
Budman wrote: 4 quarts is 3.785 liters according to my computer.

My owners manual says to put in 4 quarts.

That's what my computer says too - mind you, it is an American computer...