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Garmische - July 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:52 pm
by MacJ

A little under 3 weeks before I set off for Garmisch and after a few set backs everything seems to be panning out OK. A couple of people pulled out after all the bookings were made but that's all sorted now. I had some new rubber on the bike this morning and it's been serviced so it should be good to go.

I've had to rethink the return which I'll be doing alone. I was originally looking at 2 nights on route but I want to cut that back to one meaning I'll be leaving Garmisch  very early on Monday morning and using motorways to try to get to either Verdun (400 miles) or Rheims (460) by Monday night for the final dash to the Tunnel and a 15:20 departure to Folkstone Tuesday afternoon.

My route will take me along the 187/179 through Austria, which I think are not motorways but Google shows the route as the 'E532'. Will I require an Austrian Vignette for this?

I think this is do-able but any appropriate (and civil!) advice would be welcome. I don't intend to pre- book a hotel but just find something along the return route. Again all advice or recommendations gratefully received.

Re: Garmische - July 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:58 pm
by Steve F
Re Austrian vignette, as I understand it, the rules are similar as those for Switzerland, i.e. vignette required if you ride on the motorway network in that country. Mind you, the Austrian vignette is only pennies compared to the rip-off Swiss one!

Re: Garmische - July 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:58 pm
by Bertie
You need a vignette to use any road in Austria. All you need to do is stop at the 1st petrol station when you enter Austria and you buy a sticker for your screen that covers you for the days you are there. There is a minimum number of days you pay for and you pay motorcycle rate. They are not expensive.

Re: Garmische - July 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:05 pm
by guest3074
Bertie wrote: You need a vignette to use any road in Austria.
Not any road, only Motorways and 'S' Roads  ;) But given how cheap they are you're safer to have one  :)

Re: Garmische - July 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:14 pm
by MacJ
I understand it's about 5 Euros for 10 days so I'll get one 'just in case'.