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Touring abroad

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:05 pm
by Cornish_Camhead
Hi all, I've been motorcycling for years but new to the Camhead RT. I bought it as I've a full on sports bike also for sunny days, but wanted to ride in all weathers in comfort and safety that wouldn't leave me knackered after a 100 mile ride... Can anyone recommend any websites for people to buddy up touring together? My wife isn't into bikes, but lets me have them (very understanding  :) ) I think for this year she will book an apartment in Spain and fly there. I'll take the RT and ride down as i didn't buy it just to gather dust.  8)

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:49 am
by David.
Cornish_Camhead wrote:Can anyone recommend any websites for people to buddy up touring together?
Can't recommend any websites but have a suggestion.

Post a ride out /meet up in the UK & see how you get on.

I certainly wouldn't want to set off on a tour to Spain for example with someone who I'd never met before.

Having said that, my wife & I did go to Ireland with a guy we hadn't met, the trip was discussed openly on a local motorcycle forum. I suppose the difference is that I had Shirley with me & was not on my own. As it turned out, we all had a great time & have remained friends. It's a chance you take, it may or may not workout.

After meeting some folks on days out, weekends away in the UK led to some Euro tours.

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:59 am
by guest2360
I have ridden to Spain from Calais.  Took two days but we weren't far over the border.  It's a hard ride and not many options but high speed motorway riding.  I was with a group .  It would be a long lonely road by yourself.  David's suggestion is a good one.

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:13 am
by David.
At the end of last year (2016) some local/area meets took place, hopefully they will continue in 2017,

In 2016, Shirley & I plus one other couple met up at Haltwhistle,

A weekend away has been arranged for Tewkesbury in July 2017,
Casbar wrote:So having met the guys at the Southern meet today and ascertained they are a reasonably normal bunch, I have booked this evening for the 7th and 8th July.
"From little acorns, great oak trees grow."

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:31 am
by Our Gee
Personally, I prefer to go it alone. It's not that I'm anti social, just that I actually like being a "lone" traveller. I have also done many of thousands of miles with my good lady as pillion and we both get enjoyment out of that. (maybe that's because after 50 years together we know each others habits)  About 6 years ago we did a three week tour of France with another couple who are good friends covering nearly 3000 miles. There where times when little annoyances could creep in such as when to take "comfort" stops, different opinions on how fast to "make progress" etc, etc. We did enjoy being with our friends but equally I/We can also have a great time on our own. Incidently a few years back I had a problem with an out of balance front wheel on our K1200LT in deepest Provence. The French chap who's Bed and Breakfast we where staying at, whom I had not met before insisted he take our wheel in his van to Montellimar (a fifty mile round trip)where it was balanced correctly. My point is there is always someone who will help out the lone traveller, or maybe I/we have just been lucky.

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:44 am
by David.
I agree with Mike's thoughts, IMO, when riding together or as part of a group, there has to be an acceptance of each other for it to work, (just like a marriage).

Relationships with others can make or break a tour.

I prefer to travel with others, the trips are usually organised collectively.

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:18 am
by blokeonthemove
I've been down to Spain about 6 times and a while ago my group settled on the ferry to Bilbao or Santander, it is actually cheaper than the fuel and hotels going down through France, although France is great just blasting through it is not. The Spanish roads are really good and empty so very safe. Spain is also cheaper for beer,[size=2px] food[/size] and hotels.

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:27 am
by David.
Google "People to buddy up motorcycle touring together", a see what pops up!

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:45 pm
by guest3074
If you're on Facebook you could try a group like Biker Mates, I haven't used it so can't give a review but in may work for you.
By UK bikers for UK bikers. Please use to chat, make friends, join in ride outs, ask for help, anything bike related really
Events and ride outs will be organised but feel free to organise your own. Please feel free to add bike friends if you want to share info but first and foremost have fun.

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:50 pm
by gogs01
David. wrote: Google "People to buddy up motorcycle touring together", a see what pops up!

Ooooh, that was scary !

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:35 pm
by stayingupright

I'm off to Spain in June for a month but decided to travel down by ferry. When you add up the cost of fuel and hotels to travel down through France it didn't make a lot of sense.

Get a map, plan your route and get looking for accommodation on etc

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:09 pm
by Sprintgull
Must admit it like flying solo on the bike.  It's usually only a couple of short breaks each year, but the break from timescales around work, family, home, etc is nice.  Don't get me wrong, life's great (even more great when I finally can afford to retire) but a little solo trip is a bit like ctrl+alt+del for the soul.

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:16 pm
by guest3954
Sprintgull wrote: Must admit it like flying solo on the bike. It's usually only a couple of short breaks each year, but the break from timescales around work, family, home, etc is nice. Don't get me wrong, life's great (even more great when I finally can afford to retire) but a little solo trip is a bit like ctrl+alt+del for the soul.

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:57 pm
by scunny1
Mike wrote: +1
+ another 1

Re: Touring abroad

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:45 am
by Hominid
Sprintgull wrote: Must admit it like flying solo on the bike. It's usually only a couple of short breaks each year, but the break from timescales around work, family, home, etc is nice. Don't get me wrong, life's great (even more great when I finally can afford to retire) but a little solo trip is a bit like ctrl+alt+del for the soul.

nothing like a solo bike trip when a guy needs to push the reset button. I love being able to ride when I want, where I want, as long as I want, or as short as I want without having to compromise. Start early, start late, stop for breaks when I want/need without needing to coordinate or ask for concurrence. Call it selfish; call it indulgent; but it sure does feel good.

Rides with buddies are good too, but there are trade-offs. I have a select few people I would be willing to go on a long tour with. We have each other figured out - that's not easy.