Red dot on tire

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Red dot on tire

Post by timminator »

This post is somewhat related to my last one, regarding a tire puncture.  I found a shop that will remove and inspect the tire.  If they deem it repairable, they will put a round patch in the interior to augment the plug.  I still consider this to be a temporary fix, and will replace both tires soon.  I just need to get this working for a class I'm taking on Monday.  Anyway...

I have the tire removed and noticed the red dot marked on the tire doesn't seem to be lined up with either the valve stem or the TPMS sensor.  I always thought that paint dot was intended to be lined up with the valve stem?  I was going to mark the tire/rim with an oil marker to help the technician ensure they re-mount it in the same position, but now I'm wondering if it was right to begin with?  These are the original factory tires, with about 7K miles on them.
2017-07-05 18.46.36.jpg
Last edited by timminator on Thu Jul 06, 2017 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Red dot on tire

Post by pwbike »

Apparently the coloured dots indicate the lightest point of the tyre, or sometimes the high point of radial runout.
As you note they are there as a guide to the tyre fitter.
In your case the alignment is close, I'm sure it is not critical, and a small misalignment like you have makes no practical difference.

Re: Red dot on tire

Post by guest2360 »

The red dot should be in line with the valve stem.  Irrespective of where it is the wheel should also be rebalanced after the tyre has been off. Make sure that your sensors are still working after the job is done.  They are easily damaged by tyre fitters.  7K was past the sell by date on all my tyres.
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Re: Red dot on tire

Post by Levisp »

Its true to say the red dot marks lightest part of tyre and should be next to valve stem only if thats the heaviest part of wheel. To reduce balance weights to a minimum its best to check where the heaviest part of the wheel is first, mark that and then put red dot at that point. In most cases especially if you have TPM then it will be the valve.

As RTman10 states the TPM are easily damaged if the tyre fitter is not aware of them. The TPM is located with the valve and is a black plastic box attached in the drop centre of the wheel.

Make sure the rear wheel is balanced. I've heard some tyre fitters say they don't need balancing. Rubbish. They probably don't have an adapter to fit the BMW wheel. The BMW manual states that the max permissible imbalance is 45 grams and the max permissible balance weights to add to wheel is 80 grams.
Last edited by Levisp on Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Red dot on tire

Post by timminator »

Thanks gents, confirming what I thought.  Oddly the tire has no weights on it, and it came from the factory that way.  Either I got lucky and have a tire that was naturally balanced or they didn't bother OR the weights came off at some point, but I don't believe it ever had any.  The front tire, on the other hand, has a couple balancing weights.
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