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Adding an Alarm Remote - LC 2014 onwards

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:27 pm
by tda2806
Having tried and failed to add another alarm remote key fob to my 2014 R1200RT following the instructions in the handbook, I had a lateral thought and looked at the instructions for the K1600GT. There it was, a whole step has been removed from the R1200RT instructions, about pressing button 2 on the remote with the ignition off, before switching on the ignition to add the new remote!

IMPORTANT There are no instructions on how to add an remote if you don't have access to an existing, active, linked remote. If anyone out there only has one remote, I suggest you buy another now and add it yourself as this might well be cheaper than the alternative dealer visit + the cost of another remote if your one remaining remote fails, get run over by a bus, eaten by the dog etc.

Below is the page from the K1600GT handbook, follow these steps and you can add a new remote without visiting your dealer