I received a .gpx route and on opening in ms found 4 individual routes shown. I could view them all to see any overlapping and could select individual routes for more detail.
Question: how can I combine 2 different routes into ms so that I can see them as individual routes but both are shown on the map?
Hope that makes sense.
An existing MapSource file contains four .gpx routes. Two of those four routes need to be selected & combined together. They then need to remain as individual routes but viewed on the same map.
If this is the case, from the LHS route panel, select one of the two routes by "right clicking" on the route. Select "Copy" from the dropdown box. Create a new "File", then "right click" and "Paste" the selected route into the new file. Repeat for the second route, then both these routes will be in the new file. To view them together on the map, in the route panel, "left click" on the first route, hold the "Shift" key and "left click" on the second route. Both routes will now be selected, "right click" on the highlighted area and from the dropdown box, select "Show Selected Routes On Map".
The old file will still contain the original four routes.
Last edited by David. on Sat Jul 20, 2019 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.