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Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:31 am
by drwalker57
I've had this 2007 R1200 RTP for about 6 months, been driving it for the last 3 months. Has 34,000 miles on it. It's been running fine, with no problems. Today I was cruising along in 3rd Gear, about 3,000 RPM - in town. All of a sudden I experience as short but very loud rattle, noticeable vibration, loss of power and RPM dropping to Zero. It didn't seize, per se, but the engine stopped quite abruptly.
I tried to turn it over shortly after this event and it would not turn over. Got a ride and trailered it back home. When I returned to load it, the engine would turn over, but still had an unusual internal rattle - so I did not attempt to restart it.
First thought was I ran it out of oil... Happily, the oil is a still a light brown and midway in the sight glass.
I'm pretty mechanical, but this is my first BMW. Any suggestions on where to start, before I just tear the engine down?
I'm stumped. Thought the boxer engine was bulletproof. The bike was owned by the Sacramento CA, Sheriff Department, so I presume the scheduled maintenance was done, but have no records.
Thanks in advance for the guidance.[/size]



Re: Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:38 am
by hammo
If the engine turns over that does not sound to serious , was there any other signs like overheating maybe ? i would take the plugs out and turn the engine over manually to ascertain any damage to the internals , then if ok do a cylinder pressure test , and go from there .I would check again where you purchased it to see if there was the correct service work done on the bike, good luck .

Re: Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:46 am
by Easyrider5258
for a start check oil Level?  I would do a compression test followed by draining oil for inspection, (Looking for particles)

Re: Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:51 am
by David.
From new, after around 6 months & 10,000 miles, my 2007 Hexhead partially seized on both cylinders. The symptoms described above sound very similar, in that there was a loss of power, a rattle but the engine would turn over & start.

The bike was obviously under warranty, the result being that it required new pistons & barrels. Apparently, at the time, BMW were investigating a number of piston crown failures.

Re: Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:02 pm
by drwalker57
Thanks for the ideas on where to start. The temperature range was well within normal (less than half mark on a very hot day 33C). Oil level is good. I'll drain the oil and check for particles and pull the plugs and do a compression check and look for damage there.

Re: Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:12 pm
by David.
Found this thread on BMWMOA, ... ne-failure

Not a great deal of detail but it does mention problems with the cylinders failing.

Re: Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:39 am
by drwalker57
Had some time to troubleshoot today and the engine is definitely seized. Will not turn over and cannot get the engine to move when I place it on the center stand, put it in gear, and move the back wheel. Can anyone recommend a good resource (manual or video) for an engine rebuild?

Thanks in advance

Re: Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:56 am
by Easyrider5258
drwalker57 wrote: Had some time to troubleshoot today and the engine is definitely seized. Will not turn over and cannot get the engine to move when I place it on the center stand, put it in gear, and move the back wheel. Can anyone recommend a good resource (manual or video) for an engine rebuild?

Thanks in advance

It would be cheaper and easier to source a replacement engine, you could even sell off original for parts to offset some cost

Re: Loud Rattle at slow cruise followed by seized engine - this could be BAD!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:13 am
by PeteM
drwalker57 wrote: Can anyone recommend a good resource (manual or video) for an engine rebuild?

Haynes and Clymer both make workshop manuals for your bike and are both generally pretty good although I've not used either for the RT,  Not sure if Haynes is available in the states but Clymer should be, and if you have trouble sourcing remember that the GS engine is basically the same.