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how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:21 pm
by Doctor T
How many of you ride your RT all year round. Personally ive always ridden bikes right through the year. The only times i don't ride is when it's Snowing/icy or chucking it down. The cold doesn't bother me. Am lucky as i took early retirement 9 years ago at the tender age of 50 so i can get out more. Last 2 years my mileage was down due to covid but it's usually around 14 thousand.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:51 pm
by smileymiley
I ride all year round,  'cept snow, like you the madness has reduced my mileage somewhat.

Retired early in 2019 thinking that Mrs smileymiley & I would be travelling all over the place. Usually had 2 to 3 holidays a year!
But idiotic politicians & unscientific scientists seem to have put paid to that!

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:25 pm
by jackronner
Well, I live in Northern California, so it's not so impressive that I do.  Plus, it's legal to lane share (only state in the US), so I can't move anywhere else!  Haven't had a car for the last 14 yrs.  Even before then, my friends always asked why I even had one, since I never used it.  I answered "Chicks and rain";  but since there had been a long-ass drought for both, I just gave it up.  Plus the drivers in Cali are so timid/inept, driving a car aggravated me so much it endangered my mental health.  Did ride in the snow once on a ski trip in a freak April snow storm, but it didn't stick to the roadway.  BTW, I feel your pain Smiley:  in 2019 I was all set up to buy and store a bike in France for my own retirement plan of yearly trips thru Europe.  I think I'll make it this year, and plan to visit my aging British cousins (one of whom died this past year) whilst they're still alive! Right on, ride on!

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:17 pm
by Steve398
For many years it was what I did as part of my job, so I had little choice.

Now in retirement I don’t mind riding in the winter, be it chilly, raining, or windy, but draw the line at riding in ice and snow which I've done occasionally in the past but no longer have to.

What I do hate is washing the bike down afterwards in that weather.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:44 pm
by emlevy
I was able to ride year ‘round when I lived in San Diego but since moving to Colorado twenty years ago, I’m now lucky if I can get to ride 4 months out of the year. It’s simply too cold and snowy / icy to ride here any more than that.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:25 pm
by simbo
+2 and above and I'm commuting on the RT.. I don't mind light to moderate rain, but when it's coming down heavy the M66 gets pretty flooded in places so I go in the car.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:41 pm
by Casbar
Ride all year around except if snow or ice abounds. Been blood biking for the last 7 years, so do a lot of mileage in all weathers.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:52 pm
by Doctor T
That would drive me mad only being able to ride 4 months of the year.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:28 pm
by BoB21
All year for pleasure. Can't understand why not if safe.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:42 am
by Randyjaco
I live in Texas, so I can pretty much ride year round. I tend not to ride in the rain and snow/ice. I also tend not to ride when the temperature rises above 90 F 8)

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:15 am
by Grumpy
Ride year round in Colorado. But not with ice or snow on the road. Though I have been caught in the snow a few times.
I am very cold natured but layer up and go anyway. I do not own a car anymore so I do have to borrow the wife's car sometimes.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:31 am
by Levisp
Steve398 wrote: For many years it was what I did as part of my job, so I had little choice.

Now in retirement I don’t mind riding in the winter, be it chilly, raining, or windy, but draw the line at riding in ice and snow which I've done occasionally in the past but no longer have to.

What I do hate is washing the bike down afterwards in that weather.

Never rode for work but do like to ride all year round. Draw the line at snow and ice. Do about 12k a year now. A little down on the past due to not like washing the bike in winter. As I get older seem to feel the cold more. Get a good day in winter and it blows the cobwebs away. Sometimes it can be better than summer.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:44 pm
by Doctor T
Winter weekends can be better than summer days as Levisp said. Less traffic on the roads. Am not too bothered about washing the bike with every trip out in the winter. With age, i seem to wash my car and bike a lot less. My RE Himalayan hasn't been washed in 2 years. A bit of dirt and dust seems to suit the bike and unlike some reports, i have no rust on the frame and the head bearing are in perfect. I come to the conclusion that washing a bike every week can cause more trouble than it's worth.

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:17 pm
by hammo
I ride all year cannot see the point of forking out a load of cash to "winter up " the bike , i also think that it is worse for the bike leaving it stood .Aye its grim up north !!!!!!

Re: how many ride all year?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:59 pm
by Sharkfighter
I ride all year, both with my former, prior to retirement, employer, been riding when the snow has been horizontal, not a nice experience! Blood biker so the weather is not an excuse not to ride, unless it’s really bad then it’s usually a case of shopping tow wheels for four.
The only pain is ensuring that the bike is given a good wash after each ride.