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Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:40 pm
by burridge01
Whilst cleaning the bike yesterday, I noticed the oil was a tad low in the site glass so decided to top in up today. All the gear out,funnel in the hole starts carefully pouring,just as biker posty strolls past and starts to natter.Before I know what's happened I've over filled the bloody bike :roll:
Now this is where my tool porn obsession pays dividends, out comes me sucker.

Bought to change the steering fluid on me T4,great bit of kit that quietly sits in the garage waiting to be called into service,payed for itself allready :thumb:

Re: Doh

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:46 pm
by Steve398
Well done that man! I’ve got one of those too. Well actually, my mate’s borrowed it. :lol:

I have a theory that as you get older your collection of workshop tools gets far better and more comprehensive… and you use them less. :mrgreen:

Re: Doh

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:20 pm
by burridge01
Handy bit of kit Steve.

Mates borrowing tools,,,,,NO.

Few years ago I leant my Norbar torque wrench to a then mate,when I asked for it back he swore blind he'd returned it.We are no longer mates and I no longer lend any tools.
Nearly forgot,lent me chainsaw to 1 of me neighbours, bought it back telling me it didn't cut,the feckin idiot had bent the bloody bar :evil: :evil: never will I lend a tool again.

Re: Doh

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:12 pm
by Steve398
I’ve accepted my addiction and don’t even mutter ‘I could do with one of those’ when I see something I fancy, but my wife just says “Oh, that’ll look really nice in your tool chest” and laughs!
Cheeky baggage… She knows me too well. 🤣