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Bike cams

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:44 pm
by Steve398
I’m in the process of fitting a front/rear camera to my bike, actually a replacement cos my trusty but ancient Innovv C5 threw a hissy a couple of days ago. I initially had it on my ST1300 and within 3 days got a great video of a recovery truck nearly taking us out, and was able to send a copy to the drivers employer.

I know Martin (Easyrider) fitted a K7, and the other Martin (Panman) is thinking about one too.. then of course Glenn had to go one better and get some great action shots of his RTC!

I wondered just how many and who’s using what, and furthermore, considering the price of our machines, should they be fitted as OEM or be available as an accessory?

Re: Bike cams

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:36 pm
by Capt Sisko
I bought a K3 system about three years ago, swapped it to the RT when I bought it two years ago and apart from the SD card getting corrupted the once, it's worked perfectly. Expensive, but the quality shows.

And yes, they should be available as a factory fitted part. Maybe not as standard on base models, but certainly on the options list.

Re: Bike cams

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:11 pm
by Doctor T
I bought a cheap front and rear dash cam from VSYSTO three years ago. I didn't want the screen so it only cost £40 delivered. I didn't have much hope for the quality.
Took a while to workout how to wire it to record if it was hit whilst I am away from the bike. A cheap SIM did not work, so I had to buy a better one.
What surprised me was the quality of the recording and pictures. The quality is as good as my Drift Ghost that is on my helmet.
I broke the warranty by opening the control box just to see what's in it. To my surprise again it has a Sony chip and so are the cameras.
For £40 it's a bargain and I highly recommend it if on a budget.

Re: Bike cams

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:14 pm
by Doctor T
Just looked like they have gone up in the three years since I bought mine. £132 now ... 6TagLO%2B5

Re: Bike cams

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:57 am
by Panman40
Yes I’m looking at options now, never had a camera on a bike so it’ll be a first for me.
I don’t have the enthusiasm for days on end of tinkering anymore so something plug n play would be good, I don’t think I want a screen though, just recording to an SD card and front and rear cameras.
The Innov range seems the go to choice, is there anything that’s specifically designed for the RT ?.

Re: Bike cams

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:25 pm
by Steve398
The Innovv K6 that I recently had fitted to the bike has (eventually) turned out to be a great choice. The ‘eventually’ bit was kinda down to my cock-ups and a learning curve.

Fitting actually wasn't too bad (I’m told! 🤣) and I was advised all ok and working.

However when I got home there was just no way would my iPhone connect with the Innovv to check the videos, many hours of teeth gnashing and frustration followed before I worked out that my phone runs VPN on the wifi and that was preventing the connection being made.

The second problem was that I fitted a low quality SD card, not the high spec video card that would provided clarity and smooth recording. This was fixed with a Sandisk 256 video card from Amazon @ £23.99, and the recording is now crisp and clear.

So, it’s been a bit of a fight but I think I’m sorted! :thumb:

Re: Bike cams

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:59 pm
by Capt Sisko
Steve398 wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:25 pm However when I got home there was just no way would my iPhone connect with the Innovv to check the videos, many hours of teeth gnashing and frustration followed .............
Blimey, I could have written that! I said upthread my SD card got corrupted so when I replaced it I thought I'd have a play around with the setings, but after much gnashing of my teeth I gave up trying to connect my iPhone, used the wife's Android and it connected instantly.

Reading up on the net Innovv / iPhone connectivity is a known problem and Innovv don't appear to be doing much about it.