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by Spencert231
Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:12 am
Forum: Aftermarket Parts & Accessories
Topic: Possible Front daytime LEDs for R1200RT
Replies: 36
Views: 16078

Re: Possible Front daytime LEDs for R1200RT

I just looked at the Clearwater Site and installation of their light system really impressed. Thanks for the heads up on that site Benchmark  :beer: :beer:
by Spencert231
Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:39 am
Forum: Maintenance, Servicing and Problems
Topic: Top Box Seals Itself Shut
Replies: 12
Views: 4888

Re: Top Box Seals Itself Shut

Hi Harold, it may seem like a dumb question, but is your box a new one fitted to an 08 bike or are they both 08 models and you bought it as a package? If it's a new box at that price I would be taking it back to the dealer. If an 08 package drilling holes maybe a solution but you compromise waterpro...
by Spencert231
Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:11 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: New member from Wales
Replies: 8
Views: 2548

Re: New member from Wales

Hi Jeff, from a Welshman in France welcome to the forum since you have frequently hopped in and out there's not much I can say about the advantages of coming on here. However, with your knowledge and experience I am sure we will benefit from your involvement. Welcome.
by Spencert231
Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:50 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: engine guards
Replies: 35
Views: 12033

Re: engine guards

Why specifically OEM engine bars? There are good engine bars out there no different to how BMW would contract a company to manufacture for them. I got mine from Wunderlich and I'm very pleased with them.
by Spencert231
Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:16 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Planning on Coming to France Beyond January 16 2016
Replies: 3
Views: 2046

Re: Planning on Coming to France Beyond January 16 2016

Sorry about that I received it from a Motorcycle Group here in France and thought it new information, just had not read it myself. However, I was of the opinion that all the crap about how breathalysers had been put to bed. I will check this end again.
by Spencert231
Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:07 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Planning on Coming to France Beyond January 16 2016
Replies: 3
Views: 2046

Planning on Coming to France Beyond January 16 2016

Check out the following website for new rules for bikers:
by Spencert231
Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:06 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: So, let's see whether the (faster) Callisto Grey really is the most popular LC..
Replies: 42
Views: 11972

Re: So, let's see whether the (faster) Callisto Grey really is the most popular LC..

:swat: Calisto Grey the stealth fighter colour of a hit and run futuristic fighter. Just pause and think for a moment of those machines ridden by heros or battlecraft machines in Star War or Startrek, etc any blue, red,? No! They are grey. I rest my case or panniers  :beer: :beer: happy
by Spencert231
Mon Jan 04, 2016 1:46 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Rear Chevron Markings
Replies: 18
Views: 6408

Re: Rear Chevron Markings

I know that all these things are good ideas but a bit like weather protection kits I couldn't live with looking like the back of a motorway service vehicle. +1 I was going to say that or very similar, but since I already upset someone recently I thought I would give it a miss, however. Since it bee...
by Spencert231
Mon Jan 04, 2016 1:42 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Well, crap. Laid it over.
Replies: 45
Views: 11700

Re: Well, crap. Laid it over.

RTman10 wrote: You could argue that a feeling of total control could get boring.  A little bit of fear is a good thing and keeps the concentration up.

by Spencert231
Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:17 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Well, crap. Laid it over.
Replies: 45
Views: 11700

Re: Well, crap. Laid it over.

it is without doubt a great bike to ride and so nimble that we may create a sense of falls security in our mind up to the point of putting our feet down and then the true weight of the bike is recognised. Those that are shorter in the leg will find it difficult especially if the camber is steep or r...
by Spencert231
Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:59 pm
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Well, crap. Laid it over.
Replies: 45
Views: 11700

Re: Well, crap. Laid it over.

Unlucky Mercator after no such bad luck I was riding last Wednesday around the French countryside on unfamiliar roads which to say the least were challenging and very interesting. I got to a junction in a small hamlet coming off a clean road onto a newly surfaced road with grit where I had to do a t...
by Spencert231
Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:37 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Made the move and now own a 2016 RT
Replies: 5
Views: 2363

Re: Made the move and now own a 2016 RT

Welcome Lubedude enjoy the bike and forum Happy New Year
by Spencert231
Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:57 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Happy 2016 all
Replies: 10
Views: 4407

Re: Happy 2016 all

I echo RTman10's words long may this great site continue to grow with the font of knowledge it already possesses. Happy New Year Steve, Lyn and all forum members from the Welshman in France.
by Spencert231
Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:55 am
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Where to buy an Akropovic/Remus slip on can?
Replies: 13
Views: 5652

Re: Where to buy an Akropovic/Remus slip on can?

RTman10 wrote: I like chrome.

I like chrome, I like the sound and I guess I like my OEM exhaust.
by Spencert231
Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:32 am
Forum: General Chat
Topic: The end of an era
Replies: 2
Views: 1836

Re: The end of an era

Aye Smileymiley I had the privilege to have worked in a close nit team bonded environment for the biggest part of my adult life. As a Welshman living in the valleys of Wales I believed my future had been mapped from the start: go to school and play rugby, leave school play rugby work in the mines, e...