Reflections on MotorCycleLive 2017 - Training Options

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Reflections on MotorCycleLive 2017 - Training Options

Post by guest5111 »

Here's my video on my first visit to MotorCycleLive 2017. A good day out I thought. My primary objective was to explore the various options for training, so I chatted with IAM, BikeSafe and BMW Rider Training people. The video shows some nice footage of Ian Biederman's slow riding and bike handling skills, as well as a near miss from a lunatic who overtook on a country road...
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Re: Reflections on MotorCycleLive 2017 - Training Options

Post by Casbar »

As I pointed out before, the IAM and ROSPA are very similar in their tests, but the difference is, with ROSPA you can pass the test with a Bronze, Silver or Gold and have to be retested every 3 years. IAM are now encouraging riders to join the fellowship scheme which will also require a 3 year re-test. Everyone needs to brush up their advanced skills after passing, bad habits creep in, so I like the 3 yearly re-tests. But out of the two groups, I would pick a group that is closest to you, so in some areas, IAM in others ROSPA, the training is very similar. I was quite surprised that the IAM are now using Roadcraft, they used to have their own book, which was Roadcraft written in a more readable form. You could do the course I posted about and do both tests after a weeks training.

But if your a bit rusty its probably better to work to either IAM or ROSPA over a longer period, so you can practice. Great that you are pursuing the advanced route, you will learn a lot and really enjoy it. But don't discount ROSPA  8)

Re: Reflections on MotorCycleLive 2017 - Training Options

Post by guest5111 »

That's the plan. The local group has already been in touch, so just waiting now for a decent day to let someone have a laugh at my riding 'skills'. I went out to Fotheringhay Friday and tried some counter-steering for the first time, also working on the vanishing points and rear observation. As a cricket coach I learned you always have to practice on something specific to get the value, so each ride has an objective. Continuous learning and feedback is a must.
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Re: Reflections on MotorCycleLive 2017 - Training Options

Post by Bobf »

I would like to share this PDF on parking lot practising.
Hopefully you will find this useful. ... l_4_08.pdf

Personally, I devote minimum, 1 hour a week, on trying to improve my skills and muscle memory, so that when an unplanned event happens, I can react faster to it.
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Re: Reflections on MotorCycleLive 2017 - Training Options

Post by exportman »


The IAM still use their own book it is sent out with their joining pack. Observers are asked not to refer to Roadcraft for the standard course.  Observer and Masters use roadcraft during their training .

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