Exploding shaft drives

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Strat Tuner
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Re: Exploding shaft drives

Post by Strat Tuner »

(read to the tune of "Cast Your Fate to the Wind" by Vince Guaraldi...

For the moment, the dream lives on.

My mechanic phoned this morning to report that he was able to remove the disintegrated shaft drive and replace it with the NEW one from BeemerShop.com. Whatever a shaft drive connects to at both ends remained undamaged!!

Do I believe him? Well.. yes, in as much as one may believe any mechanic. Time will tell.

I can't say enough good things about BeemerShop.com. They seemed genuinely interested in the project, and after this post, I'm off to send them email of the good news!

How does it feel? I recognize there are many who would say, "that's not important or relevant", but I would say , "OH, Yes it is! "

I never thought of myself as the sort of man who could own anything by BMW, and I'm probably not alone in that amongst those who frequent this board.

Still, for the moment, I get to be "in the club" for a little longer. That's a good feeling.

For those who care about the numbers, they are as follows:

BMW R1200RT (2008) used ..........$2,500.00
Replacement ShaftDrive + Labor...$1,600.00
Registration/Tax (calif!)..................$400.00
Rough Total......................................$4,500.00

Pounds or Dollars, that's not a bad deal!
- Strat Tuner(Yamaha FJR 2012, BMW r1200rt 2008)
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- Willie Nelson
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Re: Exploding shaft drives

Post by Stu »

Light at the end of the tunnel :thumb:

Now go and enjoy it :-D
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