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Learning the Rt #4 - Grip Puppies, SatNav 6 Scala Comms, Cornering & a Broken GS
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:57 am
by guest5111
Fitted some Grip Puppies, road tested and reviewed. As usual, I start to woffle about other stuff including getting my Scala Rider QZ to work with BMW SatNav 6, how the right kind of music can improve your riding, and my cornering tactics. Met a couple of stranded bikers with a broken drive shaft on a GS, one of whom was a Rospa Gold rider.
Re: Learning the Rt #4 - Grip Puppies, SatNav 6 Scala Comms, Cornering & a Broken GS
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:39 pm
by guest5112
Ordered some grip puppies too. Ordered but haven't heard anything further. My piano hands struggle with those skinny stock grips. Ride safe !
Re: Learning the Rt #4 - Grip Puppies, SatNav 6 Scala Comms, Cornering & a Broken GS
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:20 pm
by guest5111
I think you'll like them. The benefit is more feel and less finger strain IMHO ...